Thursday 1 February 2018


So, as its the New Year and all, i'm trying really hard to eat healthier. Not loose weight or anything like that, just do my body some favours.

I have been trying smoothie bowls lately and WOW! So filling yet SO tasty!

Here is the first smoothie bowl I've ever made - lets call it the Berry Banana Blast:

Not the prettiest, but i'm getting there.

The ingredients:

1/2 banana
1 Handful of blueberries
1 Handful of raspberries
5 strawberries
Water (as much as you like depending on how thick you want the smoothie)
Your own choice of toppings (mine were 1/2 banana and a few blueberries)

The recipe:

Blend everything together, pour it into a bowl and add your toppings. Easy!

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